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Check out the 2024 GWSC Brag Book on the Club History Page!

Over 35 World Championships at Botaski in Spain
September 2024

Club Member Sue Crisp was in the Australian Team as well as being the team manager.

The Team skied brilliantly and won the Team Silver medal. Team USA was out in front but Australia and France jostled over the whole tournament for second place.

It was a team effort with each skier contributing to the team score at one stage or another. Sue’s contribution was in the Trick event. She came 4th in her age group.

This is the first Over 35 Team Medal that Australia has won. Fantastic effort.

May 2024 World Ranking Lists

The IWWF produce several Ranking Lists. The May one is important for us as it captures the scores for the previous Australian Season.
Here are some Highlights from our Geelong Skiers:-
Jada Sweeney 65th Under 21 Women with 5.25 at 55k on 13m.
Caitlin Dennis 105th Under 21 Women with 1.5 at 55k on 13m.
Caitlin Macdonald 126th Under 21 Women with 5.5 at 55k 14.25m
Patrick Crisp 112nd Open Men with 0.25 at 58k 10.75m.
Joey Sherry 119th Open Men with 5.5 at 58k 11.25m
Alexei Werner 117th Under 21 Men with 4 at 58k 12m.
Ryan Macdonald 159th Under 21 Men 0 at 58k 12m.
Mark Macdonald 342nd Over 45 Men with 3.75 at 55k 14.25m
Peter Barbuto 223rd Over 45 Men with 2 at 55k 12m.
Nicholas Werner 267th Over 45 Men with5.25 at 55k 13m.
Shelly Macdonald 86th Over 45 Women with 0.5 at 52k 14.25m
Sue Crisp 10th Over 65 Women with 3.5 at 49k 13m.
Jada Sweeney 49th Under 21 Women with 3965.
Caitlin Dennis 71st Under 21 Women with 3395.
Caitlin Macdonald 100th Under 21 Women with 2690.
Patrick Crisp 38th Open Men with 8320.
Alexei Werner 238th Under 21 Men with 1270.
Ryan Macdonald 111th Under 21 Men with 3440.
Mark Macdonald 25nd Over 45 Men with 1395.
Shelly Macdonald 13th Over 45 Women with 1760
Sue Crisp 5th Over 65 Women with 2030.
Jada Sweeney 28th Under 21 Women with 34.2m.
Caitlin Dennis 78st Under 21 Women with 23.4m.
Caitlin Macdonald 92nd Under 21 Women with 18.9m.
Ryan Macdonald 130th Under 21 Men with 32.7m.
Jada Sweeney 27th Under 21 Women with 1269.63.
Caitlin Dennis 65st Under 21 Women with 919.4.
Caitlin Macdonald 78th Under 21 Women with 783.68.
Ryan Macdonald 92nd Under 21 Men with 993.37.
Mark Macdonald 14th Over 45 Men with 1180.41.

Water Ski Victoria - Presentation Night

Victorian Tournament Series  and the Victorian Inter Club Challenge

Club Captain Patrick Crisp accepted the Victorian Tournament Series  and the Victorian Inter Club Challenge Trophies on behalf of the Club.


Victorian Skier of the Year.

Oscar McNamara of the Bridgewater Club won with 35 votes.

Geelong skiers who received votes were:-

Ryan Macdonald 11 votes.

Patrick Crisp 8 votes.

Caitlin Dennis 4 votes.

Alyssa Barbuto 3 votes.

Nick Werner 3 votes.

Sue Crisp 3 votes.

Alexei Werner 2 votes.



Most Improved Skier

Ben Cosgriff of the Boort club won.

Geelong skiers on the short list were:-

Jada Sweeney

Ryan Macdonald

Caitlin Dennis

Patrick Crisp


Most Outstanding Performance

Jacob Saddingtoon of the Bridgewater club won.

Geelong Skiers on the short list were:-

Patrick Crisp

Jada  Sweeney

Sue Crisp

2024 Club Awards

The last ski school was on Sunday 14th April. Immediately afterwards the Club Awards were presented.

Club Present Peter Barbuto welcomed everyone and Club Captain Patrick Crisp presented the Awards.


Skiers were recognised for their performances at the Ski Schools with Achievement Certificates.


The Beginners’  Award for the Schreuder Family Trophy. This is determined by the Coaches at the Ski Schools awarding votes to the skiers. It was won by Charlie Davis.


Encouragement Awards went to Jack Davis and Tessa Bennett.


The Most Improved Junior Skier Award went to Hugo Heffernan. He won The Bruce Owen Trophy.


The Most Improved Junior Tournament Skier. Jada Sweeney and Ryan Macdonald were the joint winners of the Beretta Family Trophy. Both had great improvements and they couldn’t be separated.


The Shaw Family Trophy for the Best Raw Score was won by Patrick Crisp. This trophy is unique in the Water Skiing world as it strips away all the complicated calculations that Water Skiing is renowned for and just looks at the scores.


Jada Sweeney had a magnificent season and won the President’s Trophy. (For some of her achievements read the news articles for this season).


The Senior (Over 17) Club Champions were:-

Slalom Sue Crisp

Tricks Patrick Crisp

Jump Mark Macdonald

Overall Mark Macdonald


The Slalom League winners were:

Spring Joel Malone

Summer Jada Sweeney.


The Club Person Awards went to:-

Senior. John Stekelenburg for his work with the CCMA.

Junior. Ryan Macdonald for his work around the club and at the Ski Schools


The Horse’s A Award was hotly contested but the winner was Michelle Sweeney following stories about phones, cars and jump starts.


The Junior (Under 17) Club Champions were:-

Slalom Ryan Macdonald

Tricks Jada Sweeney

Jump Ryan Macdonald

Overall Ryan Macdonald


To finish the day off the three club members who had been in the Australian Team to contest the Aussie Kiwi Challenge were interviewed by Patrick.

The three, Jada Sweeney, Caitlin Dennis and Ryan Macdonald talked about preparing for the event and the experience of competing for Australia in a major tournament.


The Club and its members had a magnificent Season.

The 2024 Australian National Championships

Held in near perfect weather at the Max Kirwan Twin Lakes at Mulwala, NSW over Easter, the 2024 nationals were one of the best National Championships so far.
Geelong skiers had some great successes.
Jada Sweeney skied in under 17 Girls and claimed 4 silver medals. She skied a PB of 4060 in Tricks and her second round of 1 at13 metres, 4060 in Tricks and 33.5 metres in Jump helped improve her world overall ranking.
Ryan Macdonald slalomed into 13 metres for 9th place, tricked 2310 also for 9th and jumped 32.6 metres for 8th place.
Caitlin Macdonald slalomed into 14.25 metres for 7th in Under 21 Women, tricked 2470 for 6th and jumped 18.4 metres for 4th place.
Shelly Macdonald in Over 45 Women slalomed a PB of 4 at 14.25 metres for 3rd and tricked 1750 for second place.
Mark Macdonald started his Nationals campaign well but was injured in jump and had to retire from the competition.
Caitlin Dennis in Under 21 Women’s division slalomed into 14.25 metres for 5th, tricked 3220 for 3rd , jumped 2 PBs of 23.6 and 23.9 metres for 3rd . All these added up to 3rd Overall.
Patrick Crisp skiing in Open Men slalomed into 11.25 metres for equal 7th. His trick run of 8590 placed him third and broke the long standing (21 years)  Victorian Open Men’s Record. It is also a Geelong Club record.
Alex Werner opted up from Under 21 to Open Men and came 13th. In the first round he equalled his PB of 4 at 12m and this gives him his Open Rating for next season.
Sophie Secombe had been chasing a Slalom PB all season. She equalled her PB in the first round and then got a new PB of 4 at 49 kph for 6th place in Over 35 Women.
Sue Crisp skied well in the Over 65 Women’s division and won Slalom and Tricks.
Nick Werner skiing in the Over 35 Men’s Division has a magnificent PB of 1 at 12 metres for 12th place.
Club President Pete Barbuto had one of his Moments of Glory. Slaloming in the Over 45 Men’s division he had to ski in a tie break with South Australia’s Jamie Mitchell for second place. Pete won the tie break by repeating his second round score of 2 at 12 metres.
Club Members nominated to judge the event included, Michelle Sweeney Sue and Patrick Crisp, Troy Dennis and Mark Macdonald
At the Presentation Night the following announcements were made,
Sue Crisp is in the Australian Team for the Over 35 World championships in Spain. She was also named the Team Manager.
Jada Sweeney is in the 2025 Under 21 Australian World Championships Squad.

Junior Moomba Masters

The Geelong Junior High Performance Squad was well represented.
Jada Sweeney came 5th in Slalom, 9th in Tricks, 2nd in Jump and 2nd Overall.
Caitlin Dennis came 9th in Slalom and 13th in Tricks,
Alexei Werner came 9th in Slalom.

Moomba Masters

These were run in hot conditions with the crowds seeking shelter under the trees.

Geelong was represented by:-

Joey Sherry. He narrowly missed the slalom final but came second in the Challenge.


Jacinta Carroll. Jacinta won Jump again. It was exciting to watch but the rear news came when she announced her retirement from professional water skiing. Much has been written about her career. If you were to read just one article go to the Return to Baseline story.

Here is the link:-

Victorian Championships at Geelong February 2024

Geelong hosted the Victorian Championships, how good to bring Victoria's best to our club.
Great weather and skiing conditions helped produce excellent results.
There were 12 PBs and 9 more equal PBs.
Here is how our Geelong skiers went.
16 Gold, 16 Silver and 5 Bronze medals..
2 Geelong records.
Joseph Sherry won Open Men’s Slalom.
Patrick Crisp was 2nd in Open Men’s Slalom and won Tricks.
Jada Sweeney won Open Women’s Jump, she was 2nd in Slalom, Tricks and Overall. Her Overall scores were Geelong records in both rounds.
Alexei Werner equalled his PB when he won Under 21 Men’s Slalom, He was 2nd in Tricks.
Caitlin Dennis came 2nd in Under 21 Women’s Slalom, Tricks, Jump and Overall.
Caitlin Macdonald came 3rd in Under 21 Women’s Slalom, Tricks, Jump and Overall. She had 2 PBs in Jump.
Ryan Macdonald tied for first place in Slalom with a massive PB in Under 17 Boys’ Slalom. He came 2nd in the exciting run off. He won Tricks, was second in Jump and won Overall.
David Barbuto came 5th in Under 17 boys’ Slalom and Ticks.
Alyssa Barbuto in Under 12 Girls came 2nd in Slalom and Tricks with a PB in each event.
Sophie Secombe won Over 35Women’s Slalom.
Peter Barbuto won Over 45 Men’s Slalom.
Nicholas Werner came 2nd in Over 45 Men’s slalom.
Mark Macdonald came 3rd in Over 45 Men’s Slalom. He won Tricks, Jump and Overall
Shelly Macdonald in Over 45 Women came second in Slalom and Tricks.
Peter Tomanovits came 6th in Over 55 Men’s Slalom. He was unfortunate in that he was leading when the second round was called off when the wind came up.
Sue Crisp won Over 65 Women’s Slalom and Tricks.
Richard Crisp won Over 75 Men’s Slalom, Tricks and Overall.
Many thanks to all the GWSC members that worked to prepare the club and helped out on the day to make this a great success!

Aussie Kiwi Challenge in Wanganui in New Zealand

The Australian team included 3 from the Geelong High Performance Squad.

All three skied brilliantly, their highlights included:-

Ryan Macdonald skiing in Under 17 claimed 3 Personal Bests. Magnificent.

Caitlin Dennis skiing in Under 21 Women skied right up to her best and received the bronze medal for  third in Jump.

Jada Sweeney was at her best as well. She had a PB in tricks for the silver medal, more silver in Jump and overall, however she really took off in Slalom with 2 PB’s and won the event.


All 3 were supported by their families in New Zealand.

Moodemere Invitational Slalom

This is the pick of the Slalom events in Australia. It run to the highest level.

This year 5 Geelong skiers were invited.

Club President Peter Barbuto skied into 12m.

Sophie Secombe equalled her PB in 2 rounds.

Club Captain Patrick Crisp skied into 10.75m.

Sue Crisp skied into 13m in all 4 rounds and equalled her Australian record.

Alexei Werner skied into 12m.

Summer Slalom League Week 8

We are now up to week 8. Jada Sweeney has 8 scores in and leads by a healthy margin.

However the others have got from just one score to six scores in so far.

8 is the maximum for this League so while Jada can improve with a big score she will have to drop a smaller score at the same time.


Summer Slalom League Weeks 4 & 5 update

Geelong skiers have been competing in Latrobe and Bridgewater for the Australian Junior Masters and the Masters, also Sue took a quick trip to WA for some a tournament.
This Summer League is turning out to be a classic.
The new leader is Jada from the 2 Caitlins.

Score card.JPG

HP Squad at the Australian Masters 20 & 21st January 2024

5 members of the High Performance Squad went to LaTrobe for the Australian Junior Masters. They came back with several Medals and PBs.
Jada Sweeney skied in Under 17 Girls and came 2nd in Slalom 4th in Tricks and 3rd in Jump. She came close to her PB’s in Slalom and Jump.
Ryan Macdonald skied in Under 17 boys. He equalled his PB in Slalom and came 6th.  Tricks he was 10th and jump7th.
Caitlin Macdonald skiing in Under 21 Women came 2nd in Slalom with 2 PBs,  came 3rd in Tricks and Jump.
Caitlin Dennis skiing in Under 21 Women came 3rd in Slalom, 4th in Tricks and 2nd in Jump with 2 PBs.
Alex Werner skiing in Under 21 Men came 4th in Slalom and 5th in Tricks. Alex has learnt a Back Flip and when he lands it in tournament will most likely then get his next Trick PB

2023 Spring Slalom League

Congratulations to Joel Malone for taking out this seasons best score, he finished up with a score of 29. Coming in second is Alexei Werner on 24 & in third place was Jada Sweeney with a score of 20.

2023-24 Victorian Inter Club

Geelong hosted this event for the first time since the 2020-21 season.

Judging by the many smiles and happy faces, it went very well.

Geelong won, followed by Lake Boga. Third equal were Bridgewater and Latrobe with Mildura fifth.

There were 13 PB’s. Including 4 PB’s from Geelong skiers:-

Joel Malone Slalom, Alyssa Barbuto Slalom, David Barbuto 2 in Tricks.

6 skiers were promoted to higher divisions including Geelong’s Joel Malone into division 3 in Slalom and David Barbuto into division 5 in Tricks.

Several others equalled their PB’s or came close so thanks to all those that worked on the courses, in particular Troy Dennis, Mark and Ryan Macdonald.

It was fantastic to see skiers trying new tricks and trick runs, and choosing tricks for their optional third and fourth rounds.

The Geelong High Performance squad was well represented with Alex Werner, Jada Sweeney, Caitlin Dennis, Ryan and Caitlin Macdonald, Alyssa and David Barbuto all there. It was good to see Molly Climpson from the ski school also competing in Division 6 Mini Course.

All the officials were Geelong club members. Some had taken on new roles. Thank you all. Obviously the Tournament wouldn’t have run without you.

Troy and Caitlin Dennis.

Mark, Shelly, Caitlin and Ryan Macdonald

Sue, Patrick and Richard Crisp

Michelle and Jada Sweeney

Peter and David Barbuto

Nick and Alex Werner

Sharyn Shaw

Joey Sherry

Joel Malone

Luke Bennett ran the canteen, great job, thank you.

Geelong has a new Tournament driver

Nick Werner attended the Australian Drivers course last weekend and is now recognised as a level 4 tournament driver. He will be driving at the Victorian Inter Club Challenge here at Geelong this weekend (Nov 25th & 26th) Congratulations Nick.

Looking for a club update, find the November 2023 newsletter on the history page.

Open World Championships Sunset Lakes Florida October 2023

This was Patrick Crisp's third and best Open World Championship. He had the top trick score by an Australian and slalomed well too. Julia Twigg shared team manager duties with Sue Crisp.
Full results on

Jacinta Ranked the Greatest Woman Jumper of all time!

Return to Baseline, who give an independent perspective on tournament water skiing has ranked Jacinta Carroll the Greatest Woman Jumper of all time!

Read the full article at -

3 Geelong skiers going to New Zealand for the Aussie Kiwi Challenge

Caitlin Dennis and Ryan Macdonald are the club’s latest skiers to be selected for international competition. They join Jada Sweeney who has been selected for her second Aussie Kiwi Challenge. They will all be going to Lake Wiritoa in New Zealand in February next year.

Bunnings BBQs

The club has the opportunity to run 2 fundraising BBQs this year on Sept 30th and Nov 11th.
·         Funds raised at the Sept 30th BBQ will go towards helping Patrick Crisp fund his trip to the World Water Ski Championships in Florida in October.
·         Funds from the Nov 11th BBQ will go towards subsidising a coaching weekend for the Geelong Junior High Performance Squad.  Members of this squad give back to the club by coaching at club ski schools and judging at all of our tournaments so we are very happy to support them.
The first BBQ is only a few weeks away so if you can spare a couple of hours to support either of these great causes, please contact the club secretary as soon as possible.

Geelong Water Ski Club - 2023 Double Winners.

At the Water Ski Victoria AGM it was announced that the Geelong Water Ski Club had won both the Victorian Inter Club Challenge and The Victorian Tournament Series.

Congratulations to the club and to the skiers who competed.
Nick and Alexei Werner
Jada Sweeney
Caitlin and Troy Dennis
Jason Jones
Peter, Alyssa and David Barbuto
Patrick, Sue and Richard Crisp
Hugo Heffernan
Caitlin Macdonald
Amanda Perrett
Sophie Secombe
This is further indication that GWSC is a Top Australian Water Ski Club!

Captain Pat

The Club Captain, Patrick Crisp has been selected as Captain for the Australian Water Ski Team at the World Championships in Florida in October.
The previous Australian Captain was club member, Jacinta Carroll.
The other club members for this year’s Championships are Sue Crisp who will manage the team before the tournament and Julia Twigg who will manage the Australians in Florida as well as being the team physiotherapist.
Go Aussies!

The 2023 season celebrated at the Club Presentation night

Club Captain Patrick Crisp hosted the awards, assisted by Club President Peter Barbuto & life member Ray Perrett.

Awards went to:-
Encouragement Awards                                                              Tessa Bennett and Hugh Heffernan
Beginners Award for the Schreuder Family Trophy                           Aria McLeod
Bruce Owen Award for the Most Improved Junior                            Alyssa Barbuto
Junior Slalom Champion                                                            Alex Werner
Junior Trick Champion                                                                Jada Sweeney
Junior Jump Champion                                                               Caitlin Dennis
Junior Overall Champion                                                            Caitlin Dennis
Beretta Family Trophy for the Most Improved Junior Tournament Skier   Jada Sweeney
Senior Slalom Champion                                                           Richard Crisp
Senior Trick Champion                                                              Patrick Crisp
Senior Jump Champion                                                              Jacinta Carroll
Senior Overall Champion                                                          Caitlin Macdonald
Shaw Family Trophy for the Best Raw Score                                   Patrick Crisp
President’s Trophy for the Most Outstanding Performance                  Patrick Crisp
Best Club Person                                                                      James Weeden
Best Junior Club Person for the Crisp Family Trophy                         Ryan Macdonald
Horse’s “A” Award                                                                   Austin Swain
Following the award presentation Patrick interviewed Jada. Jada told us about her skiing career to date including her preparation for the Under 17 World Championships and her experiences in Chile. Peter (when he was Club Captain) had coached Jada as a beginner in the Club Ski Schools and chatted to Jada about how they decided which foot forward Jada would have. Jada was happy with either.

Water Ski Victoria Awards Presentation day - May 27th at Melton Power Boat & Ski Club



Victorian Skier of the Year

Jada Sweeney won the Victorian Skier of the Year. The winner for this Award is the skier who is given the most votes by the Victorian selectors at tournaments throughout the season.

GWSC members who received votes:-

1st Jada Sweeney 31

2nd Patrick Crisp 18

9th Alex Werner 8

11th Joey Sherry 6

15th Ryan Macdonald 4

17th Caitlin Dennis 3

20th David Barbuto 1


Outstanding Performance

Sue crisp won the Most Outstanding Performance by a Victorian skier. This was for her performance at the Over 35 World Championships at Bordeaux, France in 2022. She reached the finals in Slalom and Tricks, came second in Tricks and was awarded the Silver Medal.

GWSC members that also received nominations included:-

Joey Sherry

Ryan Macdonald

Alex Werner

Jada Sweeney

Patrick Crisp

Caitlin Dennis

David Barbuto


Most Improved

Mitchell Bray from the Lake Boga Ski Club won.

GWSC Skiers who made the short list were:-

Alex Werner

Caitlin Dennis

David Barbuto

Jada Sweeney

Patrick Crisp

Ryan Macdonald



The entertainment for the night was the dunking machine.

It was a cold night and the spectators were greatly entertained by seeing Geelong club members Troy Dennis and Patrick Crisp being dunked time and time again. Brave effort!

Patrick Crisp is the 2023 National Open Men’s Trick champion.

Patrick is the first Geelong man to win the National Open Men’s Trick Championship.

He is also the first Victorian since Neil Ritchie in 1993 to win it. Patrick came into the tournament as second seed but skied strongly in both rounds to take out the win and the “Oscar”.

Sue Crisp equalled her Australian slalom record when she won her division in Slalom and Tricks.

Jada Sweeney skied really well to claim silver in  Slalom, silver in Tricks (with a PB), bronze in Jump and silver in Overall in Under 17 Girls.

Caitlin Dennis  was delighted with her bronze in Slalom in Under 17 Girls. She was 8th in tricks 7th in jump and 5th overall.

Ryan Macdonald came 7th in slalom, 4th in tricks (with a PB), 7th in jump and 5th overall in Under 17 boys.

Alexei Werner came 12th in under 17 boys slalom.

Caitlin Macdonald was 4th in slalom, 2nd in tricks (with a PB), 2nd in jump and 2nd in overall in the Under 21 Women’s division.

Shelly Macdonald won Over 35 Women’s slalom and was 2nd in tricks.

Nick Werner was 5th in Over 35 Men’s Slalom.

Richard Crisp was 2nd in Over 75 Men’s Slalom, tricks and Overall.


Christine Dennis was the Victorian Team Manage,

Patrick Crisp was the Victorian Team Captain,

Caitlin Dennis was the Victorian Junior Captain

Troy Dennis was the assistant Chief Judge


Full results are on

Malibu Boats Australian Championships - Individual classification (

The Victorian Police & Emergency Games - Water Skiing

Our club hosted the VPES Games water skiing on Tuesday 28th March.

Club members Joel Malone and Stewart Thomson excelled.

Joel skied into 55kph to win Division 4.

Stewart Thomson had never been on a slalom course before but very nearly won Division 6 after some very fast learning. Driver Rod Bell and timer Austin Swain coached Stewart to within a quarter of a buoy of the winner.

Thanks to Rod Bell for lending his boat.

Kara Statham in her roll of Sports Co-ordinator was magnificent. Not only did she work on the administration of the event but provided morning tea with a Boston Bun then a sausage sizzle for lunch.

It was a great fun event with some seriously good skiing.

2023 Victorian Championships at Bridgewater

Geelong skiers amassed an amazing 15 Gold and 12 Silver medals.
Highlights included:-
Allyssa Barbuto  skiing and winning in the Under 10’s
Caitlin Dennis winning Under 17 Girls’ Tricks and Overall
Ryan Macdonald winning Under 17 Boys’ Overall
Alex Werner winning Under 17 boys' Slalom
Jada Sweeney winning Open Women’s Jump (with a PB)

Full results on the web. Victorian State Championships

Aussie Kiwi Challenge at Albury

Jada Sweeney was Geelong’s only representative.
In both her rounds Jada skied right up to her best with scores into 13m in slalom, over 3000 in tricks and over 30m in jump.
Jada ended up with a swag of bronze medals, she was placed third in slalom, tricks, jump and overall.
This was a really good for Jada, well done.

Moomba Masters 2023

The world waterski community gathered at the Yarra River again over the Labour Day Weekend for the Moomba Masters.
Geelong was well represented by Jacinta Carroll, Patrick Crisp and Joey Sherry in the Open competition and Caitlin Dennis and Jada Sweeney in the Junior competition.
Just to be invited to Moomba is pretty special so to have 5 skiers there from the club was fantastic.
The highlights from GWSC members included Joey winning the amateur slalom event and Jacinta winning another Open Women’s jump event, congratulations to all that competed!

Alex Werner fully open rated after the Albury Slalom Tournament, March 5th 2023

Alex Werner equaled his PB with 4 @58km/h @12m at the Albury 4 round slalom tournament. He now has both halves of his men's national slalom rating.
Meanwhile his father, Nick achieved a PB with 4.5 @55km/h @13m.
Club president, Peter Barbuto also had a great tournament and ran into 12m again.
Great work guys!


February 2023 - Moodemere Slalom Weekend

Some say this is the second most difficult tournnamet to get into, with Moomba being the hardest.
There were 42 skiers and these included 7 from Geelong. 3 of them are part our High Performance squad.
All performed very well, however the standout was Dave Barbuto who had a PB of 3 at  58kph 14.25m.
Other scores were:-
Jada Sweeney 3.5 at 55k 13m (0.5 off her PB)
Caitlin Dennis 4 at 55k 14.25m (3.5 off her PB)
Patrick Crisp 0.5 at 58k 10.75m (his best of the season so far)
Peter Barbuto 2 at 55k 12m (0.5 off his PB)
Rose Maczkowiack 2 at 52k 14.25m (3 off her PB)
Sue Crisp 3 at 49k 13m (1 off her Australian record)
Magnificent effort.

$4PB-Cash for Personal Bests tournament at Geelong Februay 2023
Sponsored by Pitstop Marine and Automotive

The club looked magnificent  after all the work to repair the flood damage and mess.
The weather on Saturday was fantastic and the skiers had a great time skiing up to their best. Some even managed PB’s on Sunday before the weather turned. Chief Judge Ray Perrett had reacted to the forecast and had crammed as much as possible into the Saturday. There were 13 PB’s. Geelong Skiers got 4 of them.
·         Nick Werner was one of the first to PB with 4 at 55k. 13m.
·         Alex Werner achieved half his Open Men’s Slalom rating with 4 at 58k. 12 m.
·         Jason Jones added one buoy to his PB with 5 at 55 18.25m.
·         Patrick Crisp had a trick PB with 8110.
Patrick’s score is a pending Victorian Over 21 record as well as Geelong Club records.
Other remarkable performances included:-
·         Jada Sweeney broke the Geelong Open Women’s record twice with scores of 2.5 and 4 at 55k. 13m. The record was previously held by Caitlin Dennis with 1 at 55k 13m. This Slalom performance completes Jada’s Open Women’s ratings.
·         Peter Barbuto skied into 12m in both rounds
·         Sue Crisp was one buoy off her Australian slalom record
·         Caitlin Dennis was less than a metre off her jump PB.
·         David barbuto got into 14.25m for the second time.
·         Caitlin Macdonald was close to her best trick run.
·         Richard Crisp regained his National Slalom Rating and broke the Victorian Over 75 record
·         Sophie Secombe is just a pass off her best slalom.
·         Troy Dennis has started chasing the big buoys on the course.
·         Hugo Heffernan entered his first tournament and scored 4.5 on the Mini Couse.
·         Alyssa Barbuto also entered her first tournament and scored 4 on the Mini Course

Mulwala 4rd Slalom Event

Victorians claimed 14 new PB’s. Geelong skiers got 3 of them.
PB’s from;
             - Alex Werner scored 3.5 at 12m and
             - David Barbuto scored 4 at 58k 18.25m  then skipped a PB at 16m and went straight to 2 at 58k 14.25m. This was a huge PB.
Peter Barbuto, Nick Werner, Jada Sweeney, Sue (equalled her Australian Record) and Patrick Crisp also skied well.

Australian Masters at Bridgewater, Australia Day 2023

A huge shout out to Bridgewater Ski Club for hosting a great Aussie Masters. The members worked tirelessly to rebuild the infrastructure after the major flooding. Thank you to all the judges, officials and sponsors for all your work over the 3 days.
Jada Sweeney, Caitlin Dennis, Alex  and Nick Werner, Jason Jones, Sue, Patrick and Richard Crisp all won medals.
Highlights included Caitlin’s 4 silver medals in Under 17 Girls, Jada winning Bronze in Open Women’s jump and Overall and Patrick landing his first front flip in a tournament.

Jada has been selected to the under 17 squad for the Aussie Kiwi challenge

Jada Sweeney has been selected to the Australian Under 17 Squad which will contest the Aussie Kiwi Challenge in Albury from 16th to 19th march 2023.

This is Jada’s second selection for Australia.


High Performance Squad at Latrobe for the Australian Junior Masters

Three of the High Performance Squad competed at the Australian Junior Masters at Latrobe on the weekend of 21st and 22nd January 2023.

Caitlin Dennis had a PB in Slalom 1.5 at 13m. This put her in a tie for first place. She was beaten into second place in the tie breaker.

She had a magnificent PB of 3250 for second place in Tricks and was nearly at her best with 20.0m which gave her another second. Second place in Overall was her final accolade.

Ryan Macdonald Came 5th in Slalom, with an equal PB, 2nd in tricks, 3rd in Jump and 2nd Overall.

Alexei Werner Came 2nd in Slalom with a new PB of 2 at 12m.


They were all at their best and made Geelong proud.

Ryan Macdonald goes to the Australian Junior School. January 2023

Ryan Macdonald will attend the Australian Junior School. It is a special honour to be invited to the school and it is a fantastic opportunity that he has grabbed.

The school is being run at the Latrobe Valley Water Ski Club. The coaches this year were Ryan Green and Bruce Cockburn. Both coaches are true legends of our sport.

Under 17 World Championships, Santiago Chile

Jada Sweeney excelled at the Under 17 World Championships.
She had a PB in Slalom of 4 at 13m 55kph. This put her in =13th place. Just out of the finals.
She tricked 1560 after an unfortunate early fall. She placed 31st in tricks.
Jada jumped close to her best and reached the finals. In the finals she equalled her PB and came 12th.
Overall Jada came 15th.
Jada contributed to Australia’s Team score. Australia came 5th, behind USA, Canada, Chile and France.
Be sure to congratulate Jada when you see her at the club.

Mulwala Open, 6th to 8th of January 2023

Caitlin Dennis won the U17 Slalom, came 2nd in Tricks and Jump.

David Barbuto came 2nd in Under 17 Boys. He set a new PB as this was his first tournament at 58kph.

Sophie Secombe slalomed into 2nd place in Over 35 Women.

Club President, Peter Barbuto skied 2 at 12m for his best score since before COVID.

Geelong win the Victorian inter club challenge 2022.

The Victorian Inter Club Challenge was held at Latrobe Club as the GWSC wasn’t accessible due to the Barwon River floods.
The GWSC team won from Boort in second place with Bridgewater third.
The successful Geelong team was;
Troy and Caitlin Dennis,
Jada Sweeney (Jump PB),
Nick and Alex Werner,
Along with Jason Jones.

Well done to everyone that competed!

GWSC High performance squad training at Mulwala

6 talented GWSC juniors got the opportunity to be coached at the Mulwala twin lakes over a weekend at the start of December. The skiers embraced the opportunity to get lots of time on the water after a tough start to the season. Everyone gained some improvement, some sore bodies and a bit of fun as well.

Thanks to Troy Dennis, Mark and Shelly McDonald and Julia Twigg for all your assistance over the weekend, Sue Crisp and Michelle Sweeney for organizing and Patrick Crisp for coaching.

Jada received the Barwon Sports Academy Award 2022

The Barwon Sports Academy Chief Executive Officer Cameron Loftus has advised that  Jada  Sweeney has received the Barwon Sports Academy, Development Award for Individual athletes.
Well done Jada, the development award is not result driven, it goes to an athlete in a partner sport squad who has shown great development during the year. This could be in the form of a practical skills, attitude, physical development & attendance. Their commitment to the BSA program, their attitude and achievements outside of their sport (school/community) also comes into consideration. 

GWSC Members at the Oceania Championships 2022

Jada Sweeney, along with her Australian Under 17 Team mates were invited to ski at the Oceania Championships at Mulwala on 19th and 20th November 2022.
Jada, skiing in the Open Women’s division for the first time, came 9th in Slalom, 8th in Tricks, 9th in Jump and 9th Overall.
Sue Crisp skiing in the Over 35 Division had to deal with slalom skiing at 6kph faster than she normally does in her Over 65 division. To her credit Sue came 2nd in Slalom as well as 2nd in Tricks. She top scored for the Australian Over 35 Team which came in second behind New Zealand.
Sue was also the Australian Team Manager.
Patrick Crisp skied in the Open Team. He came 7th in Slalom and 3rd in Tricks. His trick score in the final round was a PB as well as a Victorian Over 21 record and Geelong Open Record. Patrick’s score helped the Australian Open Team win the Oceania Championship.
Julia Twigg was kept busy in her roles as the Australian Team Physiotherapist and the tournament  Safety Officer.

Jada Sweeney claims first Geelong PB of the season

Jada Sweeney has been training in preparation for the World Junior Championships in Chile early next year.
Whilst in WA, being coached by Ryan Green, Jada entered the Westdale tournament and tricked her first PB of the Season with a ascore of 3620.

Big Red Tournament - Helidon Queensland Oct 2022

5 Geelong Skiers went the the Big Red Tournament in Helidon Queensland at the end of October 2022.

Club President Peter Barbuto skied in Men’s Division 1. He had a best score of 3 at 13 metres and came 14th.

Club Captain Jason Jones skied in Men’s Division 2 and came 11th with two scores into 55kph.

Rose Maczkowiack came 4th in the Women’s Division getting into 16 metres in each round. She came 4th in the event and 3rd in the Big Red Series.

Sophie Secombe came 10th in the event with a best score of 2 at 46 kph. Sophie’s young son Luca watched his Mum competing for the first time.

Sue Crisp equalled the Australian Over 65 Women’s record of 4 at 13 metres. She came third in the event and second in the series.

2022 TWSV Presentation Night 

Patrick Crisp –2022 Victorian Skier of the Year.

Patrick won with 19 votes.

Other Geelong skiers to collect votes were:-

6th place Sue Crisp 13 votes

10th Ryan Macdonald 8 votes

10th Jada Sweeney 8 votes

10th Caitlin Dennis 8 votes

18th Alex Werner 5 votes

19th Richard crisp 4 votes

19th Henry Leake 4 votes

23rd Nick Werner 2 votes


Nominations for the 2022  Most Outstanding Performance by a Victorian Skier.

Joey Sherry from the Mildura Club won.

The following skiers received nominations

Patrick Crisp - Slalom at Moodemere

Jada Sweeney - Tricks and Jump at the St Patrick’s Day LCQ

Sue Crisp - Slalom at Moodemere

Henry Leake - Slalom at the National Championships.


Short List for the 2022 Most Improved Victorian Skier

Jacob Saddington from the Bridgewater Club won.

The following Geelong skiers were on the short list:-

Alex Werner

Patrick Crisp

Jada Sweeney

Ryan Macdonald

Caitlin Dennis

Henry Leake

David Barbuto

Caitlin Macdonald

Glenn Porter at the IWWF World Masters Championships.

Barefooting at the Utopia River Ranch in Texas USA at the end of September Glenn came 17th in Slalom, 13th in Tricks coming17th Overall in the Senior 2 Men’s division.

Over 35 World Water Ski Championships in France

The club was represented by Sue Crisp and Rose Maczkowiack. Geelong had two of the nine in the Australian Team.
Rose reached the finals in the finals in over 55 women's division, she finished 12th.
Sue reached the finals in over 65 women’s slalom and tricks. She came 4th in slalom and won the silver medal for second place in tricks.

Glenn Porter barefooting in Texas, September 2022

Congratulations to Glenn Porter on representing Australia for the 2022 World Masters Barefoot Championships. This event is ran on a private lake in San Marcos, Texas USA from September 26th through to October 1st 2022.

Jada joins the GWSC International skiers' list.

Jada Sweeney has been selected to ski for Australia in the World Junior Championships in Chile in January 2023.
This follows another magnificent season in which she notched up 15 PB’s (the most of all Victorians). Congratulations Jada.
Also selected for Australia are Sue and Patrick Crisp. Sue will ski in the Over 35 Teams in Bordeaux France and the Oceania Championships in Mulwala. Patrick will ski in the Australian Open Team at the Oceania Championships.

Geelong skiers' successes at the National Championships - April 2022

Gold Medalists

Henry Leak U14 Boys’ Slalom.

Matthew Browne Over 21 Men’s Tricks, Jump and Overall.

Shelley Macdonald Over 35 Women’s Slalom

Sue Crisp Over 65 Women’s Slalom and Tricks

Richard Crisp Over 75 Men’s Slalom, Tricks and Overall.


Silver Medalists

Jada Sweeney Under 17 Girls’ Tricks, Jump and Overall.

Matthew Browne Over 21 Men’s Slalom.

Shelley Macdonald Over 35 Women’s Tricks (with a PB).

Rose Maczkowiack Over 55 Women’s Slalom.

Mark Macdonald Over 45 Men’s Jump.

Bronze Medalists

Jada Sweeney Under 17 Slalom.

Ryan Macdonald Under 17 Boys’ Tricks and Overall.

Geelong skiers' excelled at the State Championships - March 2022

Gold Medalists

Jada Sweeney Under 17 Girls’ Slalom, Tricks and Overall.

Caitlin Dennis Under 17 Girls’ Jump

Patrick Crisp Open Men’s Slalom and Tricks (with a PB and State Over 21 Record).

Matthew Browne isn’t a Victorian so didn’t get the medals but he won Over 21 Men’s Slalom, Trick, Jump and Overall.

Shelley Macdonald Over 35 Women’s Slalom and Tricks.

Mark Macdonald Over 45 Men’s Tricks, Jump and Overall.

Sue Crisp Over 65 Women’s Slalom and Tricks.

Richard Crisp Over 75 Men’s Slalom, Tricks (with a State and National Record) and Overall (with a National record).

Silver Medalists

Henry Leak Under 14 Boy’ Slalom

Caitlin Dennis Under 17 Girls’ Slalom, Tricks and Overall.

Amanda Perrett Under 17 Girls’ Jump

Alexei Werner Under 17 Boys’ Slalom.

Ryan Macdonald Under 17 Boys’ Tricks, Jump and Overall.

Mark Macdonald Over 45 Men’s Slalom

Bronze Medalists

Caitlin Macdonald Under 17 Girls’ Slalom, Jump (With a PB) and Overall.

Ryan Macdonald Under 17 Boys’ Slalom

NSW State Championships, March 2022

James and Jada Sweeney went on a road trip and took on the NSW State Championships where Jada came second in all events and overall, another great result for Jada.

St Patrick's Day LCQ at Geelong - March 2022

This was another of Troy Dennis’s new format tournaments. Held mid-week it offered 4 rounds Pick and Choose to give skiers the chance to get Rated before the State and National tournaments. Skiing Legend Robert Wing flew down from NSW to get rated.


Achievement from the day;

Jada Sweeney achieved 2 PB’s in Tricks and a PB in Jump.

Caitlin Dennis had 1 PB in Tricks and 2 in Jump.

Richard Crisp had a potential State and National Record in Tricks.

Amanda Perrett excelled with 3 PB’s in Jump.

GWSC 2021/22 Club Awards

Congratulations to all the members that won awards for the past summer ski season, well done! Thanks to Luke Bennett for organising the night at Gold Diggers Arms & those who come along to celebrate the awards.
Below is a list of the awards and the recipients;
Encouragement awards; Tessa Bennett & Archer Heffernan
Schrueder Family Trophy for the Beginners Award went to Hugo Heffernan
Bruce Owen Award went to Molly Climpson for the Most improved Junior Skier
Taking home the Junior Club Champion's awards went to;

     Henry Leake for the Junior Slalom Champion
           Jada Sweeney for the Trick, jump & overall Champion
Beretta Family Trophy went to Alexi Werner for the Most Improved Junior Tournament Skier
Patrick Crisp won the Shaw Family Trophy for the highest "Raw Score" of any tournament
Taking home the Senior Club Champions trophy's were;
           Sue Crisp, Slalom
           Richard Crisp, Trick
           Jacinta Carroll, Jump
           Mathew Browne, Overall
PFD Australia Slalom League for Spring & Summer went to Alexi Werner
Jacinta Carroll took home the Presidents Trophy
Best Club person went to Aaron Wellard
Amanda Perrett won the Crisp Family Trophy for Best Junior CLub Person
And the final trophy of the night was presented to Ray Perrett, this was the "Horses A" award
Well done to everyone and we look forward for another exciting year at the club.


GWSC Members at Moomba 2022.

Great to see lots of people out & about for Moomba this year, a great effort by all the GWSC members that had the opportunity to competed! Well done to you all with the below achievements from the event.
Open Moomba competitors;
* Jacinta Carroll came 1st in womens jumping, 4th in womens trick and 4th in night jump.
* Tom Ryan made slalom final and finished 6th
* Patrick Crisp came 14th in slalom and 5th in tricks.

Junior Moomba competitors;
* Jada Sweeney came 12th in slalom, 7th in trick, 6th in jump and 6th overall.
* Alexei Werner came 7th in slalom.
* Caitlin Denis had a 5th in slalom with 16th in trick.


Moodemere Invitational Slalom Tournament - February 2022

People say that this is one of the most exclusive and perhaps the hardest tournament to be invited to.

Geelong skiers received 7 invitations this year.

Henry Leak won Under 14 Boys with a PB.

David Barbuto was second in Under 14 Boys with a PB.

Jada Sweeney won Under 17 Girls.

Peter Barbuto was second in Over 45 Men.

Patrick Crisp was second in Open Men with a PB in round 2. He won round 2.

Sue Crisp won Over 65 Women with 2 potential State and National Records.

Rose Maczkowiack won Over 55 Women.

IWWF Announcement - Women's water skiers of the year - Jacinata Carroll

14th of January the IWWF announced Jacinta Carroll as the women's water skier of the year! Another great achievement for Jacinta.
Jacinta is an easy choice for female skier of the year, the first 200 ft. jump, moments like these are rare in our sport, a major barrier has been broken showing what can be done by the young ladies that follow behind her, unbeaten in every tournament she had the opportunity to attend. She makes winning in women’s jump look easy, not because the rest of the ladies are poor jumpers but because she is so good.

Australian Masters at Bridgewater - January 2022

Highlights were;
Jada Sweeney 2nd in Under 17 Girls’ Slalom with a PB.
Alexei Werner 3rd in Under 17 Boys’ Slalom and Tricks, both with PB’s.
Patrick Crisp won his first Open Men’s Master Title in Slalom.
Nicholas Werner was 3rd in Over 45 Men’s Slalom.
Richard Crisp set new State records in Over 75 Men’s Slalom, Tricks and Overall.
Caitlin Dennis had a PB in Tricks.

Australian Junior Masters at Latrobe Valley Water Ski Club, Lake Narracan - January 2022

Highlights were;
Caitlin Dennis had PB’s in Slalom and Jump.

Caitlin Macdonald had PB’s in Tricks and Jump (2).

Jada Sweeney had a PB in Jump.

Alexei Werner had a PB in Slalom.

Ryan Macdonald had PB’s in Tricks and Jump.

2022 Riordan Fuels & Haley Hire $4PB Tournament.

Another great turn out for the GWSC $4PB on the weekend. With many competitors achieving their PB's or equaling them it shows the quality of skiers in the competition, congratulations to you all - for the full results please follow this link
Thanks to all the volunteers, sponsors, boat owners & the competitors that helped make this event such a success! 

2021 Open World Championships and 202 feet.

The 2021 World Championships were held in Florida in October. Two Geelong skiers were selected to ski for Australia. 
Beforehand Jacinta 
trained in Queensland and Patrick trained on the Barwon River (with a covid permit and in a dry suit) here in Geelong.
Jacinta Carroll won the world jump championship for the 5th time and Patrick Crisp was the top scorer for Australia.
After the World Championships Jacinta skied in the MasterCraft Pro and became the first female to jump over 200 feet. Her score of 61.5m matched Glenn Thurlow when he became the first male to jump 200 feet at Moomba in 1983.

Geelong Club Awards 2020-2021

There was a great turnout for the annual Awards presentation which followed the last ski school of the season on 11th April.
Club President Ryan McLeod and Club Captain Jason Jones were the MC's.
The awards went to:-
Beginners' Award, the Schreuder Family Trophy Bohdi Cook
Junior Encouragement Awards, Fletcher McDowell and Aria McLeod
Most Improved Junior Skier, The Bruce Owen Trophy, Archie Fry
Most Improved Junior Tournament Skier, Beretta Family Trophy Ryan Macdonald
Best Raw Score Shaw Family Trophy, Patrick Crisp
President's Trophy Patrick Crisp
Slalom Champion Sue Crisp
Trick Champion Sue Crisp
Jump Champion Jacinta Carroll
Overall Champion Mark Macdonald
Slalom League, Alex Werner Spring
Slalom League Alex Werner Summer
Club Person Kerri Perrett
Junior Club Person, The Crisp Family Trophy, Caitlin Dennis
Horse's "A" Award, Luke Bennett for bursting the new inflatable dock
Junior Slalom Champion Jada Sweeney
Junior Trick Champion Jada Sweeney
Junior Jump Champion Jada Sweeney
Junio Overall Champion Jada Sweeney

Australian Championships 1st to 5th April 2021


Geelong skiers' PB's came from Caitlin Macdonald 1 at 14.25m, Alex Werner 1 at 14.25m and 2 at 14.25m, Jada Sweeney 25.5m, David Barbuto 1 at 16m, Ryan Macdonald 23.9m and 25.8m, 

Geelong Skiers took home 11 Gold, 4 Silver and 3 Bronze medals.

Victorian Championships 27/28 March 2021


Geelong skiers' PB's came from David Barbuto 2 at 55k, Ryan Macdonald 2600, 34.1m, Jada Sweeney Overall (New Victorian Under 14 record) Caitlin Macdonald 16.3m, Caitlin Dennis 15.7m and 16.2m, Patrick Crisp 7460 (New Victorian Over 21 record) and Sue Crisp 1 at 12m. 

Geelong Skiers took home 16 Gold, 6 Silver and 5 Bronze medals.

Victorian Inter Club Challenge 20/21 March 2021


Geelong won the Challenge.

PB's came from Nick Werner 3 at 13m, Archie Fry 4.5 and 5.5 on the Mini Course, Patrick Crisp 7330 (Victorian Over 21 record), Jada Sweeney 3230, Sue Crisp 2110 (Over 45, Over 55 and Over 65 Victorian Record, Over 55 and Over 65 Australian and Oceania Record), Shelly Macdonald 1770, Mark Macdonald 1680, Caitlin Macdonald 15.8m. 

Victorian Police and Emergency Services Games March 2021


Geelong Water Ski Club hosted the Water Skiing and Paddling.

Great weather added to the enjoyment of these events. Geelong skiers Greg Kitchen (Police), Gregor Teague (Ambulance), Marc McDowell (Fire Rescue), Troy Dennis with a PB in slalom (Corrections) and Paul Stratham (Ambulance all took home medals.

28th February 2021



UltraBuild $4PB Tournament. Personal Bests and one new Geelong Tournament Skier 

Personal bests came from Patrick Crisp, Nicholas Werner, Ryan Macdonald, Austin Spiteri, Jason Jones Chase Berry Caitlin Macdonald Caitlin Dennis Stephanie Cosgriff and Alexei Werner.

Our new competitor was Archie Fry. He skied the Mini Course and scored 4.25 in both rounds.

Caitlin Dennis, Austin Spiteri, Richard Crisp and Kelly Atkinson all achieved National Ratings.

Sue Crisp equalled her pending  Australian and Victorian slalom record.

29th November 2020

Handicap Head to Head Slalom Competition 

This was another great Troy Dennis organised Competition.

20 Club skiers had a seeding round and then went Head to Head based on Handicap and Seeding.

The Final was fought out between Father and Son Bunge.

Mark beat his son Tom in a very exciting final. 

29th November 2020

2019 2020 Club AWARDS

The 2019-2020 Awards Presentation was held on 29th November.

The winners were:-

Charli Cook Beginners' Award Schreuder Family Trophy

David Barbuto and Alex Werner Junior Improvement Awards for Slalom

Angus Freemantle Most Improved Junior Skier Bruce Owen Trophy

Jada Sweeney Most Improved Junior Tournament Skier Beretta Family Trophy

Jacinta Carroll Best Raw Score Shaw Family Trophy

Jada Sweeney President's Trophy

Sue Crisp Senior Slalom and Trick Champion

Jacinta Carroll Senior Jump and Overall Champion

Henry Leake Junior Slalom Champion

Flynn Sheldon Junior Jump Champion

Jada Sweeney Junior Trick and Overall Champion.

Dave Barbuto Slalom Leagues Spring and Summer

Troy Dennis Best Club Person

Michelle Sweeney Horses' "A"


2nd April 2020

Dave Barbuto wins the Summer Slalom League

Congratulations Dave on a fantastic season, taking out the Spring and Summer Leagues.

Dave started the season with a PB of 6@31kph and finished with 2@52kph


I can’t wait to see what you do next season Dave




1ST Dave Barbuto – 66pts

2nd Ryan Macdonald – 60.5pts

3rd Emily Perrett – 55.5pts


Congratulations everyone on some great skiing this season.




2nd April 2020

Geelong High Performance Junior Squad

A Geelong Water Ski Club High Performance Squad has recently been announced. The squad includes Ryan Macdonald, Caitlin Macdonald, Caitlin Dennis, Amanda Perrett, Jada Sweeney, Emily Perrett, Jono Leake and Henry Leake.


This is a concept that has recently been developed to help some of our determined juniors reach the standard of skiing they’re aspiring to with help from the coaches we have at the club. These coaches include Matthew Browne, Will Robinson, Tom Ryan and Patrick Crisp who will help mentor the squad on and off the water.


25th February 2020

24 New PB's at the Cash 4 PB tournament

Geelong Skiers had 18 of the 24 PB's.

Jada Sweeney took home the most cash with 3 PB's, 2 were in tricks and the other in Jump.

Ryan Macdonald had 2 PB's in Slalom.

Emily Perrett had PB's in Slalom and Jump.

Jason Jones pushed up his Slalom PB.

Liam Cummins in his first tournament Slalomed well in the first round but still managed a PB in the second round.

Troy Dennis PB'ed in the first round of Slalom and equaled it in the second round.

Jono Leake had a PB in Tricks.

Dave Barbuto had a PB in Tricks. He then had a rating round and achieved half his National Rating.

Amanda Perrett had a PB in Jump.

Caitlin Dennis had a PB in Tricks and 2 PB's in Jump 

Caitlin Macdonald had 2 PB's in Jump.

Highlights of the weekend were the Magnificent Weather and the beautiful meal Eliza Leake prepared for us on Saturday night.





17th February 2020

PB's and Rating at Mulwala

Dave Barbuto had a PB of 1 at 49k and achieved his National Rating at the Mulwala 4 round slalom tournament.

Meanwhile his Dad, Peter notched up 2.5 at 55k 12m for another PB.

Jada Sweeney also had a PB with 3.5 at 52k 13m.

Geelong was represented by 11 skiers.





9th February 2020

Jono Leake excels at the Aussie Kiwi Challenge in New Zealand

Jono Leake represented Australia for the first time at the Aussie Kiwi Challenge at Lake Crichton in New Zealand.


He had a PB in slalom of 2 at 12m in the first round and followed up with 1 at 12m in the second round. This put him in second place just half a buoy behind the winner. In tricks he came 11th.


His jumps of 26.2m and 28.7m put him strongly into second place. He was 4th overall.

Brilliant international debut. Well done Jono.





9th February 2020

More PB's and records at the Australian Masters

Pb's came from:

Jada Sweeney tricks 2520,

Patrick Crisp 7270 (New Victorian over 21 record)

Sue Crisp 2130 (with new  Victorian and Australian record of 2060),

Henry Leake 3 at 13m,

Jono Leake 4.5 at 13m and 0 at 12m.





9th February

6 Geelong skiers at the Australian Junior Masters create 13 new PB's

Geelong club members Caitlin Dennis Jada Sweeney, Caitlin and Ryan Macdonald, Jono and Henry Leake all had PB's at the the AJM at Stoney Park Port Macquarie.

Jono 3.5 at 13m and 30.5m.

Ryan 2290 and 19.7m

Caitlin Macdonald 13.5m

Henry 3 at 14.25, 2 at 13m, 1580 and 14.5m

Jada 22.4m and 23.6m

Caitlin Dennis 2 at 14.25m and 11.9m.




9th February

Emily and Jason PB at Latrobe.

Geelong club members Angus Freemantle, Emily Perrett and Jason Jones PB'ed at the Vic Trophy Series at Latrobe.

Emily scored 2.5 at 52k and then backed it up with 4 at 52k in the second round.

Jason Jones pushed his PB up to 4 at 52. Getting closer to the National Rating.

Angus had 1.5 at 49k and then 2.5 at 49k for 2 PB's out of his 3 rounds of slalom.



17th January 2020

5 Geelong skiers at the Australian Junior Development School

Geelong club members Jada Sweeney, Caitlin and Ryan Macdonald, Jono and Henry Leake all went to the Australian Development School at Stoney Park, Port Macquarie this week. It is a great achievement to be selected for this school and they will have had a marvelous opportunity to improve their skills. 


6th January 2020

Geelong skiers represent Victoria at the SA v Vic Challenge

Geelong club members Patrick Crisp, Mark and Tom Bunge represented Victoia at the SA verses Vic Challenge at Bedrock South Australia. Victoria won. 


6th January 2020

Sue breaks trick records at Mulwala

Sue Crisp has set 2 pending Australian and Victorian trick records at the Mulwala Open tournament in NSW.

Dave Barbuto set new tournament PBs in slalom. This was Dave's first tournament in division 5 and he had a magnificent tournament running his first pass each round.


Pete Barbuto continued his good form getting into 12 metres again.


30th December 2019


Following a neighbor's noise complaint would you please stay on the club side of the power lines if you are skiing earlier than 7:30am

22nd December 2019

Dave Barbuto started the spring league with best scores of 6 at 31kph. He finished the league with scores of 2 and 3 buoys at 46kph.  It was always going to be hard to keep up with that level of improvement. His Dad, Pete gave it a shot and came second moving from best scores at 13m to scores into 12m. A strong third was Alex Werner who improved from 43kph to 55kph. Doing well in the Leagues relies on skiing as close to your best, putting in lots of scores as well as occasionally improving your PBs.


The Summer League starts on 12th January and runs through to the Nationals at Easter 13 weeks with the best 9 to count. This will be the longest League to date and will cover the most tournaments. It should produce an interesting result. Make sure to send your scores to Sue.

22nd December 2019

Rebuilt jump has been christened

 After months of work, the rebuilt jump has been christened. On Monday 16th December Peter Smith a skier at the Geelong Ski Clinic successfully landed his first jump of the set.

Congratulations and thanks to all who worked on the project., including Mike Leake, Troy Dennis, Mark Macdonald, Ray Perrett, Marc McDowell, David Tatasciore, Jai Herbert and Peter Barbuto

21st December 2019

New PBs

Geelong skiers have achieved new PBs 

Bridgewater TWSV Series


Jada Sweeney had PBs in slalom 5 at 52k 13m and 19.8 and 19.9m  in jump.

Flynn Sheldon had a PB in jump with 38.2m. 

Albury Malibu

Alexei Werner 5 at 55k 18.25m

Nick Werner 4 at 55k 14.25m

Mulwala Malibu

Caitlin Dennis 1 at 52k 14.25m

Troy Dennis 4.5 on the Mini course

Jada Sweeney 2300 trick points

Henry Leake 10.4m jump

Big Red in Darwin

Peter Barbuto 2 at 55k 12m

13 OCT 2019

Course survey

The slalom and jump courses will be surveyed on 16th and 17th November.

Would everyone not involved please stay clear of the surveyors?

When they are working on the slalom course the stretch of river to the island will be open and then when the surveyors are on the jump course the slalom end will be open.

12 OCT 2019

Trick judging practice session

An opportunity to practice and develop your trick judging skills.

Saturday morning 11:00am 13th October.

2 OCT 2019

Boat scrutineering Sunday 6th October at the Club House

Bring your boat, all safety gear, boat licence, registration and insurance paperwork and $35 for the river permit to the Club between 9 and noon on Sunday 6th October.

Bring your club key. We will change it over to the new one. The locks will change on Sunday.

Make sure your membership is paid up to date before you come.

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